An Evolution of Butterfly Blog Feature

Over the years we have embraced Butterfly’s role and value to our customers’ customers; making their lives easier with our ever-expanding products and ranges. This inspired us to set to work with using our foundation of passion-driven, innovative people and products.

For decades we’ve understood that the idea of Back to School annually was daunting for parents, students, teachers and retailers alike. All the hours of work and preparation and planning required is a task not many have looked forward to.

It used to be a manual, arduous process of putting together office filing systems using cardboard paper and handwritten labels stuck on with adhesive tape. Or, who remembers writing out invoices and receipts in duplicate and then having to make even more copies for your records? At home, it was a laborious task keeping records of important paperwork, documentation and even family recipes neat and organised. For educators, it was time-consuming having to manually create classroom resources, children’s early learning tools, activity sheets, colouring in resources and more.

Great news! It doesn’t have to be that way anymore. These days, Butterfly Products takes care of all the hassle for you. Now, instead of spending hours covering and preparing books and files, it takes minutes thanks to our back to school and office essential ranges.

We are extremely proud to have driven this evolution. We are proud to enable an easier, simplified lifestyle for all, freeing up time to focus on what really matters, in the areas you want to spend time on. It’s where we’ve poured our hearts and souls into the innovation of creating products that simplify your life and save you time.

Take a look through our Products and let us know which product specifically helped you save time in the past.